Monday, September 19, 2011

Stormy Weather . . .

Well, I tried Barney's method for a while, but . . .

Not having health insurance, I tend to stay away from doctors and just ignore most health issues until they go away. I don't get sick often or need to go to a doctor, so this works just fine 90% of the time.

It's the other 10% that's a bitch.

It seems I have an issue that doesn't want to go away on its own, and actually requires a specialist visit of some kind. My mind keeps going back to the horrible year I spent waiting for a breast biopsy because I couldn't afford the lumpectomy (no insurance). This isn't that, but its going to need treatment that will run into the hundreds of dollars, most likely, without anything to defray the costs. I'm not even that worried about what's wrong (though, it is fairlly uncomfortable). I'm more worried about the money, as usual.

This is why the healthcare system in this country is broken: a woman like me, on her own, trying to make ends meet and without health insurance, can't even afford a simple visit to the doctor and has to sit shaking, wondering whether she'll have to be short on rent so she can afford medication. There are literally thousands of other Americans in my situation and much worse, people with chronic ailments, or diseases they can't afford to treat. It makes me laugh when the rich Republicans complain about universal healthcare. They've never had to make a choice between food or seeing a doctor.

Maybe I should just keep trying to be awesome, and ignore the pain . . .


Christine said...

It's strange to hear you describe your situation because it's the exact same one I am in. I don't trust doctors and insurance anyway, on top of that now I can't afford either. My insurance from my old job ran out last month and at the same time I've had some health problems that won't go away. Even when I did have insurance I'd still end up paying hundreds of dollars out of pocket for a doctor visit. I agree, the system is broken.

Bethan said...

The republicans called the NHS 'Evil and Orwellian' if I remember correctly.

Universal FREE healthcare is a right not a privilege.

Being from the UK I can tell you that whilst the NHS system is not perfect, (It needs more funding which the tax payer should support)if I am ill I know that I will be cared for regardless of my income.

Your situation is awful and it makes me feel awful beacuse nothing I can say will make it better.