Yeah, it's been a while.
Since April, I've managed to move to a new apartment, an undertaking that, while not as grand as moving 2000 miles, felt somehow just as stressful. Now I'm moved in to my 1-bedroom in Silverlake, a neighborhood I have wanted to inhabit since before I moved to California. It makes the last year feel like preparation before the real life in Cali begins.
I also just closed my ninth season with Faire, and my first season with SoCal Faire. It was full of ups and downs, joys and insecurities, a few small crushes (it wouldn't be me if there weren't), and quite a few new friends. Yes, playing a faery is different at RPF than it was at Bristol: the crowds are different, the site is different, the cast is different. But, I remembered what it was that I loved so much about doing this. I hope I get the chance to do it again.
The job situation is still a little up-in-the-air: I'm a contractor with little hope of converting to anything permanent right now, but I'm putting feelers out there and hoping for the best. I'm sewing again; I have two projects that need finishing before July. I'm writing, though a little sporadic right now. Mostly, I'm just trying to settle in, and see what direction life wants to take at the moment. I'm willing to sit back and ride the wave for a bit, but I know it won't be long before my fingers itch and I have to take the wheel. I'm just not sure yet which way I want to steer.

Hi Ginger!
Welcome back!! Keep you're chin up my dear and it will all work out.
Nice to have you back!
Caffy aka Bundana
PS. I have a little blog I would love you to have a look at! Bx
Welcome back! We missed you. Everything will fall in place...
Welcome back:)
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