If you've been reading this blog for a little while, then you know about my struggle with a major lifestyle change over the last year. Last January, I decided I was finally going to get healthy, get in shape, lose weight, and stop hating my reflection. So, with a lot (LOT!) or hard work, I went from a size 16 to a size 10 in 12 months. I'm not kidding about the work. I ran, lifted weights, did yoga and aerobics, joined an aerial class (several!), and went from eating junk 24/7 to trying to eat healthier. I've had my set-backs and I've slacked off (hello, holidays!), but for the most part I'm proud of the progress I've made. I still have a long way to go towards my goal of reaching a size 6, but at least it's in sight now.
So, today, I reached a little milestone. For so long, I've been ashamed of the way my body looked; I haven't even owned a swimsuit or pair of shorts in 15 or 20 years, and the summer season usually means wearing jeans and dresses that hit the knee and never above. Today, I bought my first pair of shorts in I don't know how long.
It was kind of a lark; I walked into Ann Taylor Loft and went back to their sale section, and I saw this pair of navy and white printed shorts. Now, these are much shorter than anything I ever wear, and when I grabbed them off the rack I thought "Why not? I'll give them a shot; the only person who'll see them is me." I went back there with my size 8 shorts (Ann Taylor is a size down from everywhere else for me), and I gave them a whirl. And, surprise, surprise: they did not look hideously embarassing. They were cute. I checked my own ass out. It was quite a moment. After that, I couldn't walk out of the store without them.
So, yes, I still have a lot of miles to go before I drop another two sizes and get to where I want to be. I still look in the mirror at the flab around my midsection or the size of my hips and thighs and sigh. I'm still not a skinny girl. But, this summer, I'll be wearing shorts.

Congratulations. Seriously. Not just on the weight loss, but on being able to appreciate the cuteness of your own booty. That's a hard battle to win.
What's wrong with hips and thighs? Stop comparing your body to everyone else and learn to love yourself.
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