Thursday, October 7, 2010

Alexandra Koukinova Dolls . . .

Holy cow, do I have a doll artist to show you. I have always had a love of art dolls; from the time I was 9 or 10 years old, I used to save my alowance to buy dolls from Ashton Drake and Franklin Mint, but always adult dolls in historical clothing. Now, I love discovering artists creating dolls head and shoulders above what I used to love as a girl. One such as this is Alexandra Koukinova, a doll artist from Russia.

 She obviously has a love for Art Deco, but her dolls encompass much more than just one style. She draws inspiration from ballet, Commedia dell'Arte, Fairy Tales, and numerous eras and historical figures. And each one is executed beautifully.

Check out more of Alexandra Koukinova's work; it is truly amazing, and has given me all sorts of costuning ideas . . .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, years ago I was at the factory in Moscow and purchased two of her dolls. There are so gorgeous. I'm going to start following your blog now because you must be so super cool! Thanks.