Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Erm . . . .

So . . . the first trailing for Tarsem Singh's "Mirror, Mirror" came out today, and, well . . .

I really want to like this movie. "The Cell" is still one of my favorite films (of all time), and "The Fall" was stunning. Eiko Ishioka is an amazing costume designer. The visuals in this trailer, from costumes to sets to cinematography, are impressive. But . . .

I think the thing I really hate is Julia Roberts, which shocks the hell out of me, because I LOVE Julia Roberts. In everything. I have never seen her give a poor performance. But here? Maybe it's the shots they chose, or the way it's edited, but she seems to be giving the same line-reading each time, the same throaty, bored intonation. There is no spark anywhere, no energy. And, a few of the sceneas look downright embarrassing. I feel really bad for Armie Hammer right now; the entire film seems designed to denigrate and humiliate him as the Prince. Lily Collins looked pretty. That's about the best I can say about her.

I never thought I would live in a world where I could say that a Kristen Stewart film looks better, but, unfortunately, right now "Snow White and the Huntsman", for all its obvious steals from LOTR, looks miles better than this infantile mess.

I really, REALLY hope the actual film proves me wrong. That red peacock dress alone is almost worth seeing it for.


Christine said...

Um, hmmm. I'll still be seeing both movies, but this one just looks dissapointing. But you're right, the costumes alone are worth it. I wonder about the wisdom of two (vastly different) productions of Snow White (not to mention the tv series Once Upon A Time) coming out so close to each other.

Anonymous said...

Ya I have to agree with you the Kristen Stewart one almost looks better which is so sad :( But the costumes are very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't look so great.... but I too hope we are wrong!!!

Kimba said...

Personally, I think this looks fun & silly. The Kristin Stewart one just looks...well...trying waaaaay too hard.