-A new kitten in the house
-A broken car (after they just fixed it! Boo mechanics!)
-A finished dress
That's right! After fighting and struggling with this dress, the Deadwood monster is done! Woo hoo! All in all, it really wasn't any more horrific than anything else I've made, and a great deal less than some (Giselle, I'm talking to you). The sleeves took the better part of a day to finish and they still have a few problems, but I was so tired of pleating and sewing things that I just accepted them for what they are, fabric caught in the armseye and all. Truthfully, I'm rather gleeful over the way it turned out; I put it on for the first time on Saturday, and was pleasantly surprised by the outcome. It's easy to get tunnel-vision when working on a project like this, so seeing it all together was fabulous.
Pretty happy?? You should be down right over the moon thrilled - that dress is awesome!! I love it!!
You look INCREDIBLE! Your hair with that color. I'm having trouble forming complete sentences. All of the details. Really wonderful.
It turned out beautifully. You look great in green BTW.
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for posting the pics. You look fab!
You, and the dress, look very beautiful!
Congrats on the kitten and sorry to hear about the car. The dress -- TO DIE FOR! Absolutely a work of art and you look stunning in it! You are very talented!
Jenn @ rookno17.blogspot.com
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