Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend, everybody! This week's Five Faves are themed around my mom;) I don't know what your mom is like, but these things remind me of mine! I won't be able to spend this Mother's Day with her, but I hope she gets the gift I sent in one piece;)

How about you, dear readers? Have plans to spend Sunday with your Mom?

Recipe Fridays!

Peanut Butter and Jam Heart Cookies

This week's recipe is Mom-themed:) Peanut butter and jelly sanwiches always remind me of mom, so here's a twist on that with yummy-yummy cookies!


1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 stick unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup packed light-brown sugar
1 cup creamy peanut butter
1 large egg
1/3 cup raspberry jam, stirred to loosen


1.Whisk together flour, baking powder, and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Beat butter and sugars with a mixer on medium speed until pale and fluffy. Beat in peanut butter, then egg. Reduce speed to low, and beat in flour mixture until dough forms. If dough is sticky, refrigerate for 5 to 10 minutes.

2.Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Roll dough into 1 1/2-inch balls (about 2 tablespoons each). Arrange on parchment-lined baking sheets, spacing 1 1/2 inches apart. Press into 1 3/4-inch rounds. Press hearts into centers using your fingertips. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.

3.Bake for 12 minutes. Remove from oven, and reshape hearts using your fingertips or the handle of a wooden spoon. Fill indentation of each with a generous 1/2 teaspoon jam to form a heart. Bake until cookies are firm, 6 to 7 minutes more.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Next Comes the Lunch-Money . . .

via here

I want to state three things up-front:
1) I hate bullies. I had to deal with plenty of them growing up, being a weird kid who read Asimov and Heinlein at lunch and was closer to teachers than fellow students. Bullying is a very touchy subject for me, wherever it appears.
2) I love Neil Gaiman. He has written what is probably my favorite book in the world (Stardust) and is the writer of another book in my list of Top Five (Neverwhere).
3) I am a liberal Democrat. Unashamed of that, though I do sometimes hang my head when Democrats do stupid things.

So, this is not an un-biased rant. You would have to be pretty new to this blog to expect one of those.

Neil Gaiman recently blogged about a bout of school-yard name-calling that took place on the floor of the Minnesota House this week. Apparently the Minnesota GOP is still sore about this incident, where Gaiman was paid what some saw as an exhorbitant amount to speak for the Minnesota Library System last year. Minnesota Republican Matt Dean, during an argument where the legislature was considering cutting funding for the arts, said Gaiman, who he apparently hates, was a pencil-necked little weasel who stole $45,000 from the state of Minnesota.

Gaiman, who has a worldwide fanbase and readership that no doubt makes Matt Dean's fan club look like som,ebody three years late to the prom, decided not to stay silent. When someone you don't even know decides to call you a ridiculous name, calls you a thief, and does it all in the name of supporting a measure that would cut funding for public radio, the Minnesota Zoo, and the arts, it probably warrants a tweet. Or two. Or five. And possibly crashing that Republican's website (though Gaiman apologized for that).

Gaiman also sets the story straight: he was, in fact, paid under $34,000 for the contentious speaking engagement, which is a perfectly reasonable market rate for public speakers. This is a guy who's won 3 Hugos, 2 Nebulas, 1 World Fantasy Award, 4 Bram Stoker Awards, 6 Locus Awards, 2 British SF Awards, 1 British Fantasy Award, 3 Geffens, 1 International Horror Guild Award and 1 Mythopoeic. For a little perspective on this, Sarah Palin, who's major claim to fame was not finishing her term as Governor of Alaska and not becoming the Vice-President, commands $100,000 or more per speaking engagement. Gaiman also donated the entire fee to charity. I'm pretty sure Palin doesn't do this.

What's most distressing about this incident, though, is that it highlights what seems to be a growing issue within American politics: an absolutely stupifying bent towards childish school-yard name-calling. We are electing people who are going on to make unfounded statements so baffling in their sheer ass-facedness that we cannot even understand how some of these people get their pants on straight without help. We get outraged, the politician in question quickly retreads to say that the comments were taken "out of context" or "that was a staffer, not me", and then a month or so later, they do it all over again. I sometimes wonder if we really are too stupid to govern ourselves, as the Founding Fathers originally feared when framing the government of a new nation. It reminded me of this ridiculous story from earlier this year about a Michigan Republican's obsessive hatred of a college student, merely because the boy was gay and part of student government. Or, practically anything Michelle Bachman has said.

People, let's collectively, as a nation, grow the fuck up. Bullies do what they do because they get away with it. Idiots serve in government because we elect them. Let's not give any more of these asshats our support, because next they come for the lunch money.

After the Lightning . . .

I am ridiculously excited to see this tomorrow. That is all.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Right Here Waiting . . .

Stuck in neutral right now, spinning my wheels. I seem to spend half my time like this. I have patience for people, but not for myself; I've never been able to wait for things in my own life to happen. Maybe that's why I'm always pushing, always doing something. I've always felt like I've had to fight for everything, but maybe that's because I've never been willing to wait for things to happen on their own.

Do you think it's better to have patience and wait for the right thing to happen? Or, is waiting for sissies, and you should get out there and just do it?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Flight . . .

So, I have long been an admirer of the work of artist Kazu Kibuishi. He is the genius behind such graphic novels as Daisy Cutter (a favorite of mine), Amulet, and the annual Flight anthologies. I do not actually own any of the Flight collections and I DO NOT KNOW WHY. Possibly momentary brain damage that prevents me from purchasing them.

Anyway, I also like to paint, but I suffer from a serious case of I-never-know-what-to-paint-and-probably-won't-be-able-to-do-it-justice-anyway. So, I end up painting reproductions of other people's work. For me, it's a way of getting to know a work I love, and being able to afford to hang it on my wall. I certainly don't know Mr. Kibuishi personally, and I hate hanging posters of artwork, so this is as close as I could get to hanging anything he's done.

The image above is the original Canyon Town. The one below is a picture of my reproduction, captured on my somewhat-crappy phone camera. I spent the better part of Sunday working on this, and I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. I would never pass it off as my own work, and I highly recommend you check out Kazu Kibuishi's stuff yourself. If you don't hate hanging poster art prints the way I do, you can buy some of his work at Nucleus Art Gallery.

Thanks for the inspiration, Mr. Kibuishi.

* This is actually my second repro based on one of his works. My first is Tree House, and is now hanging right above Canyon Town on my wall!

Monday, May 2, 2011

We Remember . . .

via here

Today is Yom HaShoah. Today we remember the deaths of 6 million people, and the spirit that could not be killed.

“… in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death. I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too, I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquillity will return again.”

                                                                                                      – Anne Frank